Friday, March 30, 2007

Box of Rain

Another week from Hell down the drain. We had some rain this week, I think. This is not the rain that we had, but it is a picture of a rain storm that came up the canyon while I was at Mitchell's cabin. It was literally a box of rain that moved up the canyon and then receded several times.
Financially the week was good, psychiatrically it was bad. Taxing. Starting with a client who had nothing but bad to say about me and the system altogether. The system is bad, no doubt about it. No one can be made happy in this system. If you want to go broke/bankrupt and possibly get divorced. Employment divorce takes its toll on everyone involved.
At this point in time, I am just dropping in for a second to continue this blog-thing. No viewers that I can see so far, but really - who cares. Writing seems to give me some peace. In my world such things are invaluable.
Since I have no viewers, I wonder where I can take this. I suppose the sky and the rules as set down by for posting are the limit. I was thinking of recounting some of the people, places, and things that I have met, seen, and done in my short 38 years thus far.
The more I think about it, I think that is where I want to go with this. I am going to start tonight with some of the things that I have seen. Oddities and bone-chilling occurrences going back some time...
Soon, my friends. Soon. Take a deep breath

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

I finally figured out how to log on from the home box. Some technology is too technological.

J left for Solvang, in her new urban assault vehicle - Suburban. I am not positive, but I think that the official name brand of the color is Snow Blindness White. That was according to the sales manager. Although his veracity on other matters of the negotiations was questionable, my corneal burns settled any challenges from me on UV level reflection properties of the paint job. She is traveling with three others from the church, including her sister.

According to the salesman, there are 18 different computers on board. It has that active fuel management, i.e. at highway speeds drops from 8 cylinders to 4. It is also a flex-fuel vehicle, capable of burning ethanol. My fuel mileage is horrible - 12 to 14 mpg; nevertheless, I take heart in knowing that the truckers aren't missing me out there.

We splurged and got the super ultra first class top of the line Scotch Guarding - inside and out. I have hired two people to test it out over the next couple years. They have a total of eight years experience between them. Despite their presenting without any formal recommendations, we are going to take a chance and see what happens. I sure in the end, I will feel like I was robbed blind.

There was another Suburban same year but with every single upgrade available, except the in-seat DVD screen. It was a rental return with 16,000 miles. Approximately the same price. Every digital option, sun roof, heated seat...but the miles. On Star, XM, remote start...but the miles. Leather seats, running boards, tinted windows, polished wheels...but the miles. We opted for the one without the miles. We're gonna drive this one until the wheels come off...

Just checked the clock. Time for Eyelid Theater starring I.M.D. Sandman.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007

Rain. In March. In the central San Joaquin valley. Used to be that as an expression of disbelief for an uncommon occurrence we would say "it's going to rain." I am looking at it out my office window right now and it is coming down in buckets. Thunderstorms expected, but I will believe that when I see it.

Talked to CJ today, and he said that he had found the mythical road that goes all the way to the upper reaches of the north fork of the Kaweah River. We have searched for this road for years. I am not convinced, and will remain thus until it is driven to the end. I have spent many an hour on Google Earth searching the area east of Hartland trying to find a way. The closest I get is the Cherry Gap road, but that leaves about 3/4 of a mile from the river. That in and of itself isn't bad, however, it is 3/4 of a mile of steep mountain.

If you want to see what I am talking about, cut and paste the following on Google Earth in the Fly To window: 36 37' 42.65" N 118 53' 59.05" W

Back out a little and you can see what I am talking about. It is STEEP and choked with manzanita, buck brush, and poison oak. Rattlesnakes abound. All to catch some damn fish, you say? Not just any fish. Native brown trout in deep blue pools that never are bothered by fishermen. Makes me want to lace up right now and head that way. No planter trout here. Natives only.

There is a spot there that is without a doubt one of the most beautiful spots on earth. I don't know what it is exactly called, and I have only been there once. But it is a place I will never forget.... and it is a story that I will relate another day.

Going to go out and catch this storm for a little while.


Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007

Since my relatives in the great white north have seen fit to make their own blogs, I think that I shall do the same. Parity, you understand.

I must admit that in my favorites, I have a link to:
.... Flying Higher...: The wonder in play.
Which is Bruce and Becky's blog. From there I go from place to place, site to site, and blog to blog so that I can keep track of all of the other components of our very extended family.

It has been terribly hot here lately: high 70's and low 80's. The orchards are in full bloom and the Blossom Trail, I expect, must be quite a sight to see. I was out with the old man at the Sherwood Forrest G.C. Saturday, and could literally see the pollen hanging in the air. I paid for that trip later - so did JW with my snoring due to the allergies.

I'll check back in later. We shall see if this is something that I like to do, or if this winds up being my only post.