Friday, March 30, 2007

Box of Rain

Another week from Hell down the drain. We had some rain this week, I think. This is not the rain that we had, but it is a picture of a rain storm that came up the canyon while I was at Mitchell's cabin. It was literally a box of rain that moved up the canyon and then receded several times.
Financially the week was good, psychiatrically it was bad. Taxing. Starting with a client who had nothing but bad to say about me and the system altogether. The system is bad, no doubt about it. No one can be made happy in this system. If you want to go broke/bankrupt and possibly get divorced. Employment divorce takes its toll on everyone involved.
At this point in time, I am just dropping in for a second to continue this blog-thing. No viewers that I can see so far, but really - who cares. Writing seems to give me some peace. In my world such things are invaluable.
Since I have no viewers, I wonder where I can take this. I suppose the sky and the rules as set down by for posting are the limit. I was thinking of recounting some of the people, places, and things that I have met, seen, and done in my short 38 years thus far.
The more I think about it, I think that is where I want to go with this. I am going to start tonight with some of the things that I have seen. Oddities and bone-chilling occurrences going back some time...
Soon, my friends. Soon. Take a deep breath

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