Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Things that Go Bump in the Night

For a while now, I have not been sleeping all that well. Probably the stress of opening a new business. Payroll alone is giving me fits. As for things that go bump in the night, that was me last night at 12, 2, 4, and 6 AM. Always up and all ways hitting or stepping on something. I keep telling myself it will all work out, but this adventure is keeping me up at night.
Luckily for me, I have a very supportive woman that I love dearly. I can do no wrong in her eyes. Knowing that helps ease the strain somewhat, but it is always there - boiling right under the surface. I know it will pay off in the end; however, the beginning is what will drive a man to the watering hole.
In discussing this with some of my opposing counsel, they have all said to a man that I have done some good hiring. I think so if we can generate enough cash to make this venture pay off. It is the overhead that makes me batty. How to cut it back is the key question. I know that there are certain ways we can reduce the overhead, but the backlash will be rather substantial. That is going to be a key factor in whether I am successful or not in this business. Much like Solomon, I pray for wisdom to make intelligent decisions.

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